“Art is Sea Cliff’s natural resource.”

-Barbara Segal, poet and fine artist


Meet the team

Heidi Hunt
PR coordinator

Kat DiResta

Noelle Fiallo-Evans
Chief Creative Officer

Meaghan Travis
Chief Operating Artist

Mark Sobel
Producer at large

Celebrating Over 20 years of the Sea Cliff Arts Council

Sea Cliff Arts Council (SCAC) started as a vision of former mayor Claudia Moyne in 1999 and quickly blossomed into a viable institution who’s purpose was to support and promote the arts in all modes of artistic expression within one square mile. With the arts as a natural resource of Sea Cliff SCAC has created opportunities for all creatives to be celebrated and share their work.

Early volunteers included Madeline Klee, Dimitry Schidlovsky, Don Mistretta, and Frank Csoka.

Original programs like the “Salon” were hosted at Village Hall and featured 3 different creatives from writers, artists, singers, plays, crafts people and more. Sea Cliff Village Library shows continue to this day. A partnership with North Shore High School art department allows students to exhibit work in a professional setting off school grounds. Collaborations with local businesses have led to exhibits around town plus events like SpringFest, Chill Out, and Second Sundays. Poetry in the Park, book readings, outdoor craft shows, and concerts at St. Luke’s are just some of the array of programs we offer.

Thank you for being part of the journey and with your continued support we look forward to the future together.

Original Sea Cliff Arts Council logo by Dimitry Schidlovsky

Exhibiting Artists: Past and Present